360° Destination Development & Placemaking 

From greenfield/brownfield strategy to viable visitor experience and sustainable business

You are interested in participating in the world´s biggest industry, tourism and leisure, and want to invest in destination, resort or relevant commercial real estate development. We conribute to competitive edge greenfield/brownfield strategies (including the learnings from Covid-19) and see it through in all aspects (infrastructure, organizational development, digital and buiness development) to viable visitor experience and retention.

Placemaking is an increasingly popular approach to the planning, design, and management of private and public spaces, with a focus on the use of investments and interventions to create good places to live and visit for residents and visitors, and in the process enhancing the sense of place, identity, liveability, and vibrancy, as well as the economic opportunities and integrated smart technologies. Travel & Tourism has great potential to contribute to placemaking strategies and support the vision of a place, which in turn can enhance the destination’s brand and contribute to an enhanced visitor experience.

We have a proven track record of accomplishments in development and recovery of destinations, commercial real estate, hospitality and leisure venues on four continents either in a holistic approach of placemaking or in the following categories:

1. Placemaking development strategy from greendfield/brownfield strategy to viable visitor experience     Read more....

2. Optimizing the entire visitor journey from awarness, relevance, the actual visit and retention.      Read more ...

3. Implementing ecological, economical and social aspects of sustainability into governance and product development. Read more ...

4. "Awareness" is nice to have, but "Relevance" is key in travel and consumer decision making.    Read more ...

Placemaking and Development 

... needs to engage all senses

It is about people (visitors and locals) .... and about the planet and its future generations. Therefore holistic destination development and management goes beyond building bricks and mortar, generating fun activities and counting visitor numbers. 

The balance of flora, fauna, habitat, culture, heritage, fun, social encounter, respect, regional welfare and sustainble profitability may never be perfect, but it can be managed a lot better than seen in recent decades. Finally the visitor will have a look at it.

We are advocats for a sustainable future oriented tourism and leisure economy, so we help you act accodingly. We have been through mixed experience as well. But experience is helpful making better decisions for the future. 



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